Our line of emu products includes hand and body cream, soap and lip balm - all of which are enhanced with the many beneficial properties of emu oil.
Since 2000, people have used our products to provide relief for a variety of skin conditions. Over the years, we have met many people who have generously shared kind words and inspiring stories of how our products have helped them in their own unique way.
So for those loyal customers who have encouraged us along the way - thank you so much for your support. For those new to us and our products, again, welcome!
- Marilyn
With so many uses people like to stock up on this one by taking advantage of our buy 5 - get one free offer.
• Anti-inflammatory
• Anti-bacterial
• Contains natural sun protection factor properties
• Non-comedogenic (will not clog pores)
• Low irritant potential
• High skin penetrating properties
• Eases the symptoms of psoriasis and eczema by reducing irritation and inflammation of the skin
• Promotes healing and as a result also helps reduce scarring
• Aids in the relief of burns and insect bites
• Helps to reduce joint pain and inflammation
People also love our products for what it doesn't have...
No paraben, gluten, SLS or harsh chemicals